Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Feel the Vibrations

Yesterday evening marked the first time in 11 days where I ate solid food, put actual clothes on and felt somewhat like a normal human being. So in the spirit of starting to feel better after battling the Flu, Strep Throat and Bronchitis all at the same time, I decided to make myself a new playlist to get me up and going as I entered the "Land of the Living" once again.

I randomly selected a song halfway through the letter "G" in my music alphabet and set out to pick songs which were upbeat, made me smile and encouraged my voice to come back so I could sing and car dance again as soon as possible.

"So come on! Come on! Feel the vibrations!!!"

1. Gloria by Laura Branigan
I cannot remember when or where I heard this song... back in high school, I know, but I just love this song!! It so early 80s. Laura has such a powerful voice. I just can't help myself with this song!!!

2. Honey, Honey by ABBA (Mamma Mia Soundtrack)
Seriously, the band which should come to mind when someone says upbeat, sing-a-long and smile music is ABBA, no questions asked.

3. Give up the Funk by Parliament (GLEE Soundtrack version)

"You've got a real type of thing going down, getting down. There's a whole lot of rhythm going down... so let's turn this mother out!!!"

4. Gold Digger by Kayne West (CLEAN version from GLEE Soundtrack)
No! I do NOT endorse Kayne or the majority of the lyrics to this song in any way shape or form!!!! BUT... when Matthew Morrison sang the clean version on the first season of GLEE, oh! It was ghetto white boy fabulous!

5. Hazy Shade of Winter covered by The Bangles
Seriously one of my favorite girl rock bands ever!!!! Seriously one of the best covered songs ever!!! The guitar!!! The drums!!! Seriously one of my favorite covered songs ever!!!

6. Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys
If you people have not listened any further to this band besides "Lonely Boy", do it now!! The El Camino album rocks!!! Guitar and drums people, guitar and drums.

7. Golden Years by David Bowie
I feel in love with this song while watching A KNIGHT'S TALE many, many moons ago in the 90s. I show this movie to my students every year when we learn about the Middle Ages... partly for education, but mostly because everyone needs to have a little 70s rock/Middle Ages/Heath Ledger moment in their life!!!
"Nothing's gonna touch us in these GOLDEN YEARS!!"

8. Head over Heels by the Go Gos
Another one of my favorite girl bands!!! I love the piano riff in the middle of this song- best part!!

9. Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips
I really like the lyrics to this song and the upbeat drum tempo.

10. Are you gonna be my girl by Jet
Classic 90s rock song!!! Can't get enough of that beat!!
"Big black boots! Long brown hair! She's so sweet with her get back stare!"

11. How a Heart Breaks by Rob Thomas
Solo Rob... I actually enjoyed that album, but like him waay more as MATCHBOX 20. I debuted this song at Spin class back in high school, and it was an immediate crowd pleaser... one of my most requested songs. Brings back fabulous memories!!!

12. Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
Can't help but smile... 90s Mark Whalberg!!! :)

13. Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant
Love this one-hit wonder!!! Another crowd pleaser from Spin class.

14. She's got the Look by Roxette
One of my favorite 80s songs!!!
"Tasty like a raindrop, she's got the Look!"

15. Hey Ya by Outkast
Before you judge!! Remember, I'm a child of the 90s!!! This song never gets old for me, which probably does not apply to anyone else, I know! :)

Favorite line: "Shake it! Shake it! Shake it like a Polaroid picture!" :)

16. Hey, what's going on by 4 Non Blondes (Dance Mix)
I use this song, Dance Mix version, for every workout I do personally or teach. It never ever fails to please and make ya SWEAT!

17. Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder (Red Hot Chili Peppers version)
Wait wait wait!!! I love the Stevie Wonder funk version! You know me, I don't play around with Mr. Wonder but!!!!  To get me up and going, I like the RHCP better.

18. Holding out for a Hero... BOTH Footloose and Shrek 2 version
I love Bonnie Tyler's version in Footloose-one of the best moments in the movie. I mean, Kevin Bacon dancing around like a crazy man... what's not to love!! And who wants to admit they have done the same thing in their own house/backyard to that song??!! ;)

I also love the more Spanish-influenced version from Shrek 2. I generally play them back to back, with the Shrek 2 version last because I love that line in Shrek 2 at the end of the song where Shrek yells at Prince Charming "Hey you! Get your hands off my wife!" He means it man! It's great!! And then they have the whole "Beauty and the Beast" moment where Shrek and Fiona turn back into ogres... awww, soo good!!! :)

"He's gotta be sure. And it's gotta be soon. And he's gotta be larger than life, Larger than Life!"

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

You are setting an example, whether you know it or not.

Every day on my way to and from work I pass this Lebanese Catholic Church which always has clever and thoughtful "sayings" on the billboard out front. I enjoy reading the sign multiple times a day, and more often than not, I find the theme/idea to be true and pertinent to life.

Today was no exception. I have been out of work for the past 2 days on account of a nasty flu bug and sinus infection. I felt poorly Friday upon leaving work, but figured a relaxing weekend would straighten things out. Yah right! The past 5 days have been beyond miserable, not only due to my body hating every single thing about me, but also because this is one of the WORST WEEKS EVER to be gone from school!!! I have been stressed thinking about everything that was due this up-coming Friday... wondering how on earth I was going to get it all done when I could not even get out of bed?! I mean, grades due... teacher self-report due... summative tests to grade... French/Haitian comparative essays to grade... course cards to sign and pick up... copies to make for next week... lesson plans to write...

You're stressed too, aren't you??!! Welcome to the life of a teacher.
Anywho, I drug my sorry behind out of bed today and made it into work. I read the sign on the way in, not really thinking too much about it because well... my brain is a little behind right now. Oh, and did I mention I have no voice? Well... I don't. Add that factor in to the whole "your job is to VERBALLY teach information to 180 students and CONVERSE with each and every one of them each day."

Bless all those students... many of whom I want to smack around on a daily basis... they were all so very glad to see me today. Everyone wanted to know where I had been. Everyone wanted to tell me about their life from this past weekend, even the past 2 days (this is an every day thing. Think about all of the information I know because 180 of them tell me stuff EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.) Even realizing I could not respond or converse with them didn't stop the majority. Here are some of the many things I learned today from my students...

1. You're back! Good, because the mornings have been blah the past few days. I'm not a morning person, but you are. You always smile at us at like.. 9:45 in the AM and I find myself smiling back because I think you are nuts at 9:45 AM, but, you make me smile. So, glad you're back.

2. Mrs. Carey, I forgot to study for the test today and it's because you were not here yesterday. Every class period before we have a test you tell us like 10 million times during class "study this information. you will have a test tomorrow" and usually I get so annoyed at you, in my head, of course! because you keep saying the same phrase over and over again, but you know what?! I remember to study! And... you didn't tell me 10 million times to study yesterday so.. I forgot.

3. Mrs. Carey, I forgot to study too, but I just tried to remember the words/notes you kept repeating in class and had underlined on the board in that obnoxious orange color. Words like Socialism. P for Proletariat. Steam Engine by the guy who sounds like a light bulb (James Watt). Imperialism sounds like Empire...what's the biggest empire in 1800s? B for Britain. A.F.L. American, French, Latin America.

Hey.. that orange color works!

4. Mrs. Carey, there were so many shenanigans (I use this word all the time. My kids think it is funny, so I taught them the meaning. They now use it too) going down in the hall the past 2 days. You would never have let that crap fly. I kept thinking you were going to open that door and tell those kids "what's up" in your "I'm Mrs. Carey and I don't put up with that" voice. So, get your voice back quick okay. The halls are out of control!

5. What do you mean you don't have a voice?! How are we supposed to learn anything? How am I supposed to remember the information? I only know half this stuff because your voice gets all excited when you talk about the information. Who is going to get me excited about world history??!!

6. Mrs. Carey, you are the best! Even though you don't have a voice and you don't feel good, you are still trying to get us caught up with our grades and talk to us about course cards and our classes for next year. You care, always, and that is just awesome.

I left work with a smile on my face... sans voice. I drove past the church sign... re-read it and went wow.  So unbelievably true.

I told myself I was going to write this all down today so when I'm having a bad day at work, I can go back and remind myself of how each day matters. How every single time I say something in class or set forth in motion some action, it matters. Someone is always watching and taking notice. We are not meant to see those "moments" on a daily basis; otherwise, they would become common place and un-special. However, when God does allow them to shine through, they warm the soul and remind me to press on and be a "Light unto the World"

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Avocado Burger with Sweet Potato Fries

Burgers and fries are always a winner, I know; however, this burger is extra-special because of the pizazz on top: melted Avocado.

Grilled 90/10 burger flavored with black pepper, salt and Worchester sauce.

White onion. (Sometimes I grill the onions, not tonight)

Fresh tomato.
Lettuce (I use fresh spinach).
Cheese (I use Velveeta slices for burgers because when it melts... Oh man! Warm, ooey- gooey cheesy goodness!!)

Slightly warm, melted avocado chunks. This is the PIZAZZ!!! After you grill and assemble your burger.. with or without bun (I don't eat one)... place 3-4 small chunks of slightly squishy Avocado pieces on the top and stick in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. The Avocado will melt enough for you to smear it around on the top of the burger. 

Just imagine the first bite: juicy, tender flavorful meat with crisp onion, light and sweet tomato paired with ooey-gooeyness of the cheese and avocado. Ah! My mouth is watering just thinking about it again.... hehehe!

Serve with sweet potato fries (a Carey household favorite)or your own version and EAT UP!!!

Golden Gate Bridge Bike Ride

"It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them."
Ernest Hemingway


Embrace the grandeur of the Redwoods
Play tourist in the quaint, seaside town of Sausalito

Night time ferry ride across the bay

Christmas spirit of Pier 39

We biked around 20 miles that day and were able to see so much of San Francisco, the Bay, and other areas around San Fran which were seemingly out of reach because we did not have a car. Psh... like that stopped Dylan and I! So grateful for both of us feeling comfortable on a road bike and having the leg muscles to take us up and down the hills of north California. Also grateful for spin class and long bike rides... both our booties are already numb to the bike seat.

I think the best part of the day for both of us was turning the bikes back in to the rental company and NOT because we had a bad time. As I have said before, everything in San Fran is up and down a hill. The rental garage was... up the hill. It was a legitimate, serious hill too! Neither Dylan nor I were quite sure where the actual bike garage was so when we saw the road up ahead turn into a hill, we circled around on the flat road and punched it.

Dylan was ahead of me, so I watched him turn into the garage about 3/4 of the way up. It never occurred to me to falter half way or even walk the bike up the hill for a couple of reasons. 1. Dylan was already in the garage. 2. These hard core cyclists were standing outside of the garage yelling encouragement for people on their way up. NO WAY was I getting off in front of those dudes!!! Instead, I sailed into the garage, trying not to pant too hard. Hehehe!! ;)

As both Dylan and I got off our bikes, the cyclists started asking us where we were from and complimenting us on getting up the hill. The cyclists informed us the majority of people just walk the bikes up or have to get off halfway. They were impressed that Dylan... and more importantly, me... a girl!.. made it up the hill with no problems. Dylan and I proudly answered: "Hill Country of Texas!!"

Get it girl!!! One of my better moments in life.... :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Case of You

 The playlist is a combination of old and new, classic and soulful, indie and alternative. I hope you enjoy...
1. Gale Song- Lumineers
2. Ordinary Love- U2 for the "Road to Freedom" soundtrack. If you have not listened to the lyrics of this song, please take the time to do so. It is such a beautiful way of looking at love.
"I can't fight you anymore. It's you I'm fighting for. The sea throws rocks together but Time, leaves us polished stones... The same wind will take care of you and I. I will build our house in the trees... We cannot reach any higher if we can't deal with Ordinary Love...."
3. I still believe in you- Vince Gill
4. Atlas- Coldplay for the "Catching Fire" soundtrack. Coldplay can do no wrong in my book. I have all of their albums and have almost worn out A RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD and VIVA LA VIDA. Dylan and I saw them in concert, and we both agreed we could see them every time they come to town. The character of Katniss Everdeen inspires me to be a better person and stand up for what I believe in.
"Say oh, we're about to explode. Carry your world, I'll carry your world. Carry your world and all the hurt...
5. All of Me- John Legend. READ THE LYRICS. TRULY, READ THE LYRICS. The entire song brings me to tears and fills my heart with so much emotion. This song speaks so very personally to my marriage. I fill as if this song speaks about Dylan and I. Oh, I'm crying right now as I type this!! What a sap I have turned into since marrying the love of my life...
"Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts. Risking it all though it's hard. Cuz I give you all of me. You give me all of you.... You're my end and my beginning...."
6. Without You- Harry Nilsson.
7. Hallelujah- by.... take your pick. I grew up on the Jeff Buckley and Rufus Wainwright versions. I fell in love with the song again as sung by Matthew Schuler on THE VOICE Season 5. It is such a sad song, and I'm not quite sure why I like it so very much... maybe because all 3 of these men sing with such pain and emotion in their voices. It moves me...
8. Say Something- Great Big World with Christina Aguilera. Their voices together are hauntingly beautiful...
9. Case of You- Joni Mitchell.
"You're in my blood like holy wine. You taste so bitter and so sweet...I remember that time you told me that love was touching souls. Clearly you've touched mine cuz part of you pours out in me in these lines from time to time... I could drink a case of you..."
10. Future Days- Pearl Jam. I was pleasantly surprised to hear the new Pearl Jam album a few months ago. I am a tried and true believer of their 90s albums and generally prefer their harder rock songs, but I fell in love with 2 of their slow songs from the new album. The lyrics are that of an older, calmer man looking back on his life... I can relate.
"If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself. Everything I have found here, I've not found by myself... I believe, cuz I can see. Our future days, days of you and me..."
11. I put a spell on you- Nina Simone. Nina Simone... LOVE HER.
12. Sirens- Pearl Jam.
"Oh it's a fragile thing, this we life we lead. If I think too much I can get overwhelmed by the grace with which we live our lives with death over our shoulders..."
13. Never my love- The Association. Thanks Dad for introducing me to the 60s...
14. Home Again- Elton John. Hands down, one of my top 10.. maybe even top 5 favorite artists. His 2 album "Best of" can reach any mood, any time, any place. This song is from his newest album, which did not win me over like his earlier albums did, but I do love when he plays with just the piano.
15. Bonfire Heart- James Blunt. Don't be deterred by his "You're Beautiful" song. He is not a one-hit wonder!!! Browse through his albums and you will find he has such depth and emotion.
"Days like this lead to, nights like this, lead to love like ours. You light the spark in my bonfire heart. People like us, we don't need that much just some- one that starts, starts the spark in my bonfire heart...
16. Don't let the sun go down on me- Elton John w/ Straight No Chaser. One of my favorite Elton John songs... mixed with the acapella group Straight No Chaser. Ah! Superb rendition!
17. Send in the Clowns- Frank Sinatra... Barbra Streisand... Matthew Morrison. No explanation required...
"Isn't it rich? Aren't we a pair? Me here at least on the ground, you in mid-air. Send in the clowns..."